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Why You Might Want to Learn to Drive Even If You Live in the City

If you live in a city with reliable public transportation, the thought of driving may never cross your mind. This is especially true for people who have grown up in urban areas—when other kids were studying for their driving tests, these kids were taking buses and trains. However, as an adult, there are many reasons you may want to learn to drive. Maybe you’ve started commuting to work in a more suburban or rural area where driving is key to getting around. Maybe you’d like the ability to go on trips more easily. Or maybe you just want to know you have the skill, if the need should arise.

Driving lets you get away

While public transportation can be a fantastic way to commute and navigate your immediate area, it often leaves something to be desired when it comes to traveling longer distances, or to many getaway spots. If you want to get away for a long weekend, a car makes it easy to pack up everything you might need for anything from camping to a beach vacation, and head where you want to go, when you want to go there, on your own schedule.

Having a license can save you money

Maybe your friends procrastinated on planning the annual getaway, and now they’re throwing the itinerary together at the last second. Maybe a loved one who lives hours away is dealing with an emergency. No matter the reason, if plans change unexpectedly and you find yourself dealing with last-minute travel, you can generally expect your wallet to suffer. The last thing you want when you’re facing an unforeseen change of plans is to add financial strain to the mix, but unexpected travel costs add up fast. With a license, you can often rent a car for lower rates than a last-minute plane or train ticket.

Without a license, you may miss job opportunities

Many standard job applications ask if you have a license. That’s because even jobs that don’t make driving a part of your day-to-day may still have occasional need for a driver—and in these situations, the ability to drive a car can put you a cut above the other applicants. For example, if you work at a company that organizes events, being able to step in to transport supplies to a venue if someone else drops out can score you points with your boss.

It’s understandable if you’re nervous about learning to drive, especially as an adult. But the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, and once you have the skill, it’s with you for the rest of your life. If you find yourself worried about experiencing car trouble, a AAA membership can help ease your mind with the guarantee that there will always be a qualified technician ready to be dispatched to assist with any problems and get you back on the road again.